IBM Tivoli Identity Manager
Version 4.6 for z/OS
Performance Tuning Guide
Issue Date:
2007 March 02 – First Edition
Publication Number:
Table of contents
Table of contents ......................................................................................................................................1
About this guide........................................................................................................................................2
Who should use this guide ...................................................................................................................2
Vital tunings .................................................................................................................................3
Initial tunings................................................................................................................................3
Resource allocation.....................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Memory....................................................................................................................................4
1.3.2 CPU.........................................................................................................................................4
1.3.3 Disk space...............................................................................................................................4
IBM WebSphere Application Server.....................................................................................................5
Java virtual machine (JVM) size..................................................................................................5
Workload management (WLM) timeout.......................................................................................5
Message driven bean (MDB) request timeout.............................................................................6
Transaction timeout .....................................................................................................................6
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application................................................................................................8
Recycle bin ..................................................................................................................................8
3.2.1 Threads ...................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Limiting attributes returned from the adapter ..........................................................................9
3.2.3 Limiting the attributes evaluated..............................................................................................9
3.2.4 Maximum duration...................................................................................................................9
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager adapters.................................................................................................11
4.1 Microsoft Active Directory..........................................................................................................11
IBM DB2 .............................................................................................................................................12
APARs .......................................................................................................................................12
Buffer pools................................................................................................................................12
Idle thread timeout.....................................................................................................................12
Locks per user limit....................................................................................................................13
Active log duplexing...................................................................................................................13
Reorg and Runstats...................................................................................................................14
Additional ZPARMS...................................................................................................................15
IBM LDAP Server ...............................................................................................................................16
APARs .......................................................................................................................................16
Cache sizes ...............................................................................................................................16
Max connections........................................................................................................................16
Changelog limits ........................................................................................................................17
Row locking on SEARCHTS......................................................................................................17
Indexing .....................................................................................................................................17
Best practices.....................................................................................................................................18
Regular maintenance .........................................................................................................................19
Other resources..................................................................................................................................20
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
About this guide
This guide identifies some ways to tune your IBM® Tivoli Identity Manager™ system to improve
Who should use this guide
Use this guide if you are responsible for installing or maintaining an IBM Tivoli Identity Manager system
on z/OS. The following competencies are recommended:
Familiarity with basic database and directory design principles.
General knowledge of the z/OS environment.
Understanding of how to configure and administer your directory and database servers. You may
need to have your local database administrator or directory administrator perform these tunings
for you.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
1 Introduction
The IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product addresses the complex problem of identity management. Due to
the complexity of the problem, it can be challenging to optimize the use of resources by IBM Tivoli Identity
Manager – that is, to tune. This tuning guide provides a system administrator with the information needed
to tune the application for your environment. Other individuals (such as IBM DB2 or the LDAP Server
administrators) in your organization might offer differing advice. In our experience, your system
administrators know your environment better, and their advice may be more accurate for your
environment than this tuning document.
The IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product can be divided into four major components: IBM WebSphere
Application Server, the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application, IBM DB2, and IBM LDAP Server. We will
address each of these separately in this document.
The IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server can be installed as either a single server or as clustered servers.
A clustered environment can be considered a group of single servers with regard to tuning.
This document is a working document. As more information is gathered settings may be added, removed
or changed in future editions. It is recommended that you check the IBM Web site for the most recent
version. To find the most recent version, go to Type “ITIM Tuning Guide”
in the search box under Search technical support, and click Search.
1.1 Vital tunings
There are several thousand different parameters that you can modify to tune WebSphere Application
Server, the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product, directory servers, and database servers. This tuning
guide discusses a small subset of these parameters that have proven effective during performance
If you are setting up an acceptance or production environment, read each section and perform the
applicable tunings for your systems. If you are setting up a test environment and want to get started as
quickly as possible, focus on these areas:
Note: The database statistics tunings are a vital part of the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product
1.2 Initial tunings
Most of these tunings can be implemented in a newly deployed environment or an environment that is
already deployed.
It is recommended that you execute runstatseach time you add significant numbers of users to your
databases. Failure to keep your database statistics up to date can cause IBM DB2 to use non-optimal
1.3 Resource allocation
Tuning values are more complex to manage when more than one middleware component is running on a
given system; for example, having the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server, IBM DB2, and IBM LDAP
Server all on the same server. Regardless of configuration, it is important to calibrate the following
resources so that they are not over-allocated.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
1.3.1 Memory
All middleware components allow you to adjust how much memory they will use. When calculating how to
allocate memory to middleware components, keep these considerations in mind:
Configuring middleware memory settings too high such that the total configured value exceeds
available physical memory can result in the operating system swapping memory out to disk. This
will result in extremely poor performance and should be avoided. After setting up or
changing the memory values for the middleware, monitor the memory and swap space used to
ensure that nothing is being swapped out to disk. If it is, adjust your memory settings to correct.
A large part of the WebSphere Application Server’s memory usage is the JVM size. However, the
size of the JVM does not set an upper bound on the amount of memory that the WebSphere
1.3.2 CPU
All the components of the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product (IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application,
WebSphere Application Server, database server, and directory server) are CPU-intensive. Normally,
batch processes such as DSML feeds are less CPU intensive than interactive commands such as
changing passwords. Operations involving workflow, such as account creation, are very computationally
intensive, especially when customized workflow processes are enabled. zAAP processors, if available,
should be utilized in the z/OS instances supporting IBM Tivoli Identity Manager.
1.3.3 Disk space
Each of the middleware components uses different amounts of disk space for various purposes.
WebSphere Application Server and the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application use disk space
beyond their installation size because of log files (such as the msg.log and trace.log files) and
WebSphere MQ queues. Adjust the number of archives and size of the msg.log and trace.log
files in the enRoleLogging.propertiesfile. Make sure that WebSphere MQ has enough disk space
for its processing logs (not error logs) to grow. The IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server pushes
many entries onto the queues during large provisioning changes, causing the queues to grow.
IBM DB2 archive logs can consume a great deal of space for large transactions. For example,
automatically provisioning an IBM Tivoli Identity Manager account for 50k people resulted in 13.5
GB of space being used. Only 2.7 GB was for account storage (both inside the LDAP Server and
the historical logging in IBM DB2), the remainder, roughly 80%, was used by IBM DB2 archive
logs. Frequent purging of IBM DB2 archive logs may be required for busy systems.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
2 IBM WebSphere Application Server
Regardless of the installation type (single server or cluster), the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server can be
thought of as two components: WebSphere Application Server (the J2EE application server running the
application) and the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application itself. Both components need to be tuned.
WebSphere Application Server allows you to use a variety of settings to tune your environment. This
document discusses the timeouts and Java Messaging Service (JMS) queue endpoints.
2.1 Java virtual machine (JVM) size
By default, WebSphere Application Server sets the maximum JVM size to 256 MB. This value is too small
for the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product to run beyond a basic concept test and should be increased to
a minimum of 768 MB. If your server has adequate available RAM increase this value to as much as 1.5
GB. For large reconciliations or role and policy evaluations, the default values will not be enough memory
to complete these tasks.
The maximum JVM size is not the actual maximum allocated size of the Java heap – as much as 15% is
allocated to a portion of the heap for the system’s use. IBM recommends that you not use a value higher
than 1.5 GB even if your system has the available memory.
Do not set the JVM heap size to be larger than the physical RAM. The WebSphere Application Server
suffers significant performance degradation if the operating system swaps out the JVM to swap space.
Consequences of this include very slow user interface (UI) performance, transaction roll backs, timeouts,
and high disk utilization.
Determining the values
initial_jvm_heap_size – The initial size of the JVM heap in megabytes. Recommended value:
256 MB.
max_jvm_heap_size – The maximum size of the JVM heap in megabytes. Recommended value:
768 MB.
Setting the values
1) Open the Administration Console.
2) Expand the Servers list in the navigation pane.
3) Select Application Servers in the navigation pane.
4) Select the server to manage.
5) Select Process Definition from the Additional Properties pane at the bottom.
6) Select Java Virtual Machine from the Additional Properties pane at the bottom.
7) Set the Initial Heap Size to initial_jvm_heap_size.
8) Set the Maximum Heap Size to max_jvm_heap_size.
9) Repeat this procedure for each IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server.
Stop and restart each Application Server for these changes to take effect.
2.2 Workload management (WLM) timeout
The WebSphere Application Server on z/OS provides a timeout value for how long it should wait for IIOP
requests to complete. WebSphere Application Server uses the workload management (WLM) timeout
value to terminate hung threads thereby preventing the hung thread from holding onto resources needed
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
by other processes. When the WLM timeout is reached the thread is killed resulting in the process being
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager can initiate long-running IIOP requests during processes like reconciliations.
To allow long-running reconciliations to complete we recommend disabling the WLM timeout.
Determining the values
wlm_timeout – The time in seconds that IIOP requests wait on the queue before being
terminated. Default value: 300. Recommended value: 0 (disabled).
Setting the values
1) Open the Administration Console.
2) Expand the Servers list in the navigation pane.
3) Select Application Servers in the navigation pane.
4) Select the server to manage.
5) Select Container Services.
6) Select ORB Service.
7) Select z/OS additional settings.
8) Change WLM timeout to wlm_timeout.
9) Repeat this procedure for each IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server.
Stop and restart each Application Server for these changes to take effect.
2.3 Message driven bean (MDB) request timeout
The message driven bean (MDB) request timeout controls how much time MDBs should be limited to.
Policy evaluations can often run over the default timeout and should be increased.
Determining the values
mdb_request_timeout – The time in seconds allotted to MDB requests. Default value: 1200.
Recommended value: 7200.
Setting the values
1) Open the Administration Console.
2) Expand the Servers list in the navigation pane.
3) Select Application Servers in the navigation pane.
4) Select the server to manage.
5) Select Custom Properties.
6) Change the value of control_region_mdb_request_timeout to mdb_timeout.
7) Repeat this procedure for each IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server.
Stop and restart each Application Server for these changes to take effect.
2.4 Transaction timeout
Complex or long-running transactions within IBM Tivoli Identity Manager can often run past the default
transaction timeout. It is recommend that the default transaction timeout be increased.
Determining the values
transaction_timeout – The time in seconds before a transaction timeouts. Default value: 300.
Recommended value: 12000.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
Setting the values
1) Open the Administration Console.
2) Expand the Servers list in the navigation pane.
3) Select Application Servers in the navigation pane.
4) Select the server to manage.
5) Select Container Services.
6) Select Transaction Services.
7) Change Maximum Transaction Timeout to transaction_timeout.
8) Repeat this procedure for each IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server.
Stop and restart each Application Server for these changes to take effect.
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3 IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application
The IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application includes several configuration files that provide an area for
tuning various parts of the application’s performance. These are in the data/ directory under the IBM
Tivoli Identity Manager product home directory.
3.1 Recycle bin
When objects such as people, accounts, roles, and provisioning policies are deleted from the IBM Tivoli
Identity Manager system using either the graphical user interface (GUI) or the application program
interface (API), these objects are not removed from the underlying directory server but rather moved into
the recycle bin. The recycle bin is implemented as the following LDAP container:
ou=recycleBin, ou=itim, ou=<tenant>, <suffix>
When LDAP entries are moved under this DN due to a deletion, the attribute erIsDeletedis set to the
value Yto enable IBM Tivoli Identity Manager to identify these objects as entries it should neither display
to the user nor act upon. Because of the LDAP search filter that IBM Tivoli Identity Manager uses, having
a large number of entries in the recycle bin can negatively impact performance. It is recommended that
the size of the recycle bin be kept as small as possible for optimum performance.
There are several ways to remove entries from the recycle bin. IBM Tivoli Identity Manager includes a
script that will delete entries in the recycle bin older than a specified age range. See the discussion of the
recycle bin age limit in IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Server Installation and Configuration Guide for
WebSphere Environments for more information.
An alternate method is to use an LDAP display tool to view the entries and delete them directly in the
directory server. Be careful to only delete the deleted entries themselves and not the ou=recycleBin
container. Similarly, it is possible to use a combination of the ldapsearch and ldapdelete commands to
delete entries. For example:
ldapsearch -h <host> -p <port> -D <user> -w <password> \
-b "ou=recycleBin,ou=itim,ou=<tenant>,<suffix>" -s sub "erisdeleted=Y" dn | \
ldapdelete -h <host> -p <port> -D <user> -w <password>
After deleting entries from the recycle bin, run runstatsto make IBM DB2 pick up the changes. See the
3.2 Reconciliations
Reconciliations are resource-intensive operations and can take a while for services with a large account
population. Limiting the number of attributes returned by the adapter and processed by IBM Tivoli Identity
Manager can improve reconciliation performance. Large reconciliations may also exceed the default Max
Duration and if so the value can be increased.
3.2.1 Threads
When processing DSML feeds, IBM Tivoli Identity Manager creates threads to process the data. The
number of threads may need to be adjusted to optimize performance because of the widely varying
workload that differently defined reconciliation jobs exhibit.
Determining the values
num_recon_threads – The number of threads used when processing DSML feeds.
Recommended value: 2 for DSML feeds with workflow, 3 for DSML feeds without workflow.
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Setting the values
Edit the enRole.propertiesfile and update the value of enrole.reconciliation.threadcountto
3.2.2 Limiting attributes returned from the adapter
Some adapters (such as the adapter for Microsoft Active Directory) can limit the attributes that are
returned to the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager server during reconciliations. This can reduce the amount of
work required by the adapter to retrieve or calculate the values of the attributes as well as amount of data
sent back to IBM Tivoli Identity Manager.
Consult the adapter documentation for information specific to that adapter. See also the IBM Tivoli
Identity Manager adapters section.
3.2.3 Limiting the attributes evaluated
During reconciliation, any attributes that were identified as having been changed are updated within the
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager directory server. Before this update takes place, the new value is evaluated
against the provisioning policy that governs the account to ensure that the change is allowed within the
policy, and if not, a policy enforcement is triggered. Any change to the account will trigger the policy
evaluation for that account regardless if the change would invalidate the policy.
To reduce the number of policy evaluations, limit the attributes that are evaluated during reconciliation.
Some endpoints (such as Microsoft Active Directory) contain attributes that change frequently but are
seldom used to enforce policy, such as last logon time. If these attributes are required, consider setting
up a second reconciliation to reconcile these attributes on a more infrequent schedule and remove them
from the more frequently running reconciliations. If possible, reconcile only those attributes that are
required for policy evaluation.
Determining the values
excluded_attributes – The list of attributes that are returned from the adapter to exclude from
processing within IBM Tivoli Identity Manager. Ideally these would be all attributes except those
that are required for policy evaluation.
Setting the values
1) Log into IBM Tivoli Identity Manager as a user with sufficient privileges to edit the service.
2) Select the Provisioning tab.
3) Navigate to the service in the organizational tree.
4) Select the service to modify.
5) Select Reconciliation.
6) Select the reconciliation schedule to modify.
7) Select the Query tab.
8) Move all excluded_attributes from to the Excluded Attributes list.
9) Click Submit.
3.2.4 Maximum duration
Large reconciliations can sometimes exceed the default maximum duration as specified in the
reconciliation schedule. When this limit is reached, the reconciliation is aborted. Increase the limit to allow
longer-running reconciliations to complete.
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Determining the values
max_duration – The maximum time in minutes that the reconciliation should run. To calculate this
value, do an initial run with a very large duration and measure the time required. Consider setting
the maximum duration to 10% above this time. Default value: 600.
Setting the values
1) Log into IBM Tivoli Identity Manager as a user with sufficient privileges to edit the service.
2) Select the Provisioning tab.
3) Navigate to the service in the organizational tree.
4) Select the service to modify.
5) Select Reconciliation.
6) Select the reconciliation schedule to modify.
7) Set the Max Duration to max_duration.
8) Click Submit.
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4 IBM Tivoli Identity Manager adapters
It is sometimes necessary to tune the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager adapters when doing large provisioning
changes or reconciliations. This section should supplement, not supersede, the documentation included
with the adapter.
4.1 Microsoft Active Directory
The Microsoft Active Directory adapter returns attributes to IBM Tivoli Identity Manager that are not
directly retrieved from Active Directory, but rather calculated from other Windows sources. Querying these
external sources can slow down Active Directory reconciliations and can be disabled if these attributes
are not needed.
The Home Directory Security and Mailbox Permissions are two such attributes. Retrieving this information
requires looking up the appropriate access control entry, which is a costly operation. Setting
ReconHomeDirSecurityand ReconMailboxPermissionsto FALSE in the adapter registry will disable this
Working with Windows Terminal Services (WTS) attributes can slow down provisioning and reconciliation
as well. There are two adapter registry keys that control access to these attributes:
• WtsEnabled– This key controls the adapters’ access to WTS attributes. If this key is enabled (set
to TRUE) the adapter will have access to provision and reconcile WTS attributes. If this key is
disabled (set to FALSE) the adapter will not provision WTS attributes if requested, nor will it
return them during reconciliation. The default value for this key is FALSE.
• WtsDisableSearch– This key controls whether the adapter will return WTS attributes during a
reconciliation (a “search” from the adapter’s perspective). If this key is enabled (set to TRUE),
WTS attributes will not be returned in a reconciliation but the attributes will still be updated in
account provisions. If this key is disabled (set to FALSE), WTS attributes will be returned in a
reconciliation. This key only applies if the WtsEnabledkey is set to TRUE. The default value for
this key is TRUE.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
Tuning IBM DB2 to run with the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product involves adjusting the buffer pools,
modifying the number of connections, modifying internal database values, adding table space, adjusting
logs, indexing, and running runstats.
The tuning JCL provided applies to the z/OS 1.6 LDAP server. The z/OS 1.8 LDAP server was not
available at the time this document was prepared.
5.1 APARs
Two ODBC APARs have been linked to poor LDAP performance on z/OS. It is recommended that these
APARs be installed on the system:
PK21695 – Mutex lock contention
PK17652 – High CLI CPU utilization
5.2 Buffer pools
Tuning the IBM DB2 buffer pools has shown to decrease deadlocks and improve overall performance.
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager includes three JCL scripts to tune the IBM DB2 buffer pools based on which
database is being tuned and how WebSphere Application Server is set up.
Determining the values
JCL location
Tune ITIM database when using a WAS cluster
Tune ITIM database when using a single WAS server
Tune LDAP database
Identify which JCL script is needed to tune your Tivoli Identity Manager database (either 1 or 2). JCL
script 3 is used for the LDAP database for both single and clustered WebSphere configurations.
Setting the values
1) Edit the JCL to conform to your installation’s standards.
2) Update DB2 schema names, such as the database name, to match your environment.
3) Submit the JCL for execution.
5.3 Idle thread timeout
DB2 continually checks for idle threads to cancel. Sometimes during SQL queries that return large
amounts of data, if there is a delay between the sending of one DRDA query block and another, an abend
04E reason code 00D3003B, may occur, indicating that the idle thread timeout was exceeded. Increase
the idle thread timeout to avoid this error.
Determining the values
idle_thread_timeout – Total time in seconds before an idle thread will timeout. Default value: 120.
Recommended value: 7200. This value is in the DB2 DSNTIJUZcustomization job, located on the
IDTHTOINoperand for the DSN6FACmacro
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
Setting the values
1) Copy DSN.V8R1M0.NEW.SDSNSAMP(#02TIJUZ)to another dataset and/or member for updating.
2) Locate the line containing DSNTIZPand delete everything to the end of the file, including this line.
3) Locate the IDTHTOINoperand for the DSN6FACmacro.
4) Change the value to idle_thread_timeout as determined above, with care not to delete the
continuations in column 72.
5) Locate the line containing SYSLMOD.
6) Update the DSN value on the following line to a data set where you have modification
permissions (for example: DSN=DSN81.SDSNEXIT).
7) Submit the job and ensure it runs with a condition code zero.
Restart IBM DB2 subsystem for the change to take effect.
5.4 Locks per user limit
During policy analysis, DB2 error 00C90096 may be seen in the trace.logfile. This occurs when IBM
Tivoli Identity Manager attempts to remove a large number of rows from a temporary table and the
number of rows exceed the locks per user limit. This can be avoided by increasing the locks per user limit.
Determining the values
locks_per_user_limit – Total number of locks a user is allowed to hold at one time. Default value:
10000. Recommended value: 100000 or higher.
Setting the values
If implementing IBM DB2 for the first time, or creating a separate instance, this parameter can be
increased by editing the LOCKS PER USER value.
To increase the limit for an existing installation:
1) Edit the existing DSNTIJUZjob.
3) Submit the job to rebuild the DB2 startup parameters.
Restart IBM DB2 subsystem for the change to take effect.
5.5 Active log duplexing
Disabling the IBM DB2 active log duplexing has shown to increase account creation throughput by up to
62%. Changing this setting depends upon your installation’s procedures and conventions.
Determining the values
active_log_duplex – Enable active logging duplexing? Default value: YES. Recommended value:
Setting the values
1) Edit the existing DSNTIJUZjob.
2) Update TWOACTVto active_log_duplex in the DSN6LOGPmacro using the procedure described in the
Idle thread timeout section.
3) Submit the job to rebuild the DB2 startup parameters.
Restart IBM DB2 subsystem for the change to take effect.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
5.6 Reorg and Runstats
Statistics on the number of rows in the tables and what indexes are available are required for IBM DB2 to
efficiently fulfill queries. It is important to update these table and index statistics after large Directory
Server Markup Language (DSML) loads, HR feeds, and reconciliations.
IBM Tivoli Identity manager ships with five JCL to execute reorgand runstatsagainst the IBM DB2
In addition to running runstatson all tables within the database, we also manually update the statistics
table for the ACTIVITY, PROCESS, PROCESSDATA, and SCHEDULED_MESSAGE tables to ensure a
minimum cardinality. Setting a minimum cardinality on these tables helps the IBM DB2 query optimizer
and can decrease locking issues in the database.
Determining the values
JCL location
REORG for ITIM database
REORG for LDAP database
REORG for LDAP changelog database
RUNSTATS for ITIM database
RUNSTATS for LDAP database
The REORG scripts above will reorganize both table spaces and indexes, improving data access
performance and reclaiming fragmented space. In addition, the REORG scripts will execute a RUNSTAT
for each table space after the REORG.
Caution: The REORG scripts should only be executed when the table spaces are not in use by stopping
the WebSphere Application Server and LDAP first. Failure to do this will result in the table spaces in an
intermediate state and will require additional attention.
Use RUNSTATS scripts on idle or lightly-used databases because it requires update locking on the
system statistics table to update the database statistics. A database with a heavy load might experience
transaction roll backs due to the system acquiring locks on the tables that are used by the database
optimizer to fulfill queries.
section for more information.
Setting the values
1) Edit the JCL to conform to your installation’s standards.
2) Update DB2 schema names, such as the database name, to match your environment.
3) Submit the JCL for execution.
4) Confirm the job’s completion code for success.
After running RUNSTATS on the ITIM database, the following should be run against the ITIM database to
update the statistics for the workflow tables. The following SQL statements require DB2 system
administrator privileges to perform.
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5.7 Additional ZPARMS
The WebSphere Application Server 6.0 Developer’s Guide recommends updating the following ZPARMS
in addition to the ones mentioned elsewhere in this document. For more information on these changes,
please see the WebSphere Application Server 6.0 Developer’s Guide.
Default value
Recommended value
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
6 IBM LDAP Server
The IBM LDAP Server is a component of the Integrated Security Services base element in z/OS R 1.6
and 1.7, not to be confused with the IBM Tivoli Directory Server released with z/OS 1.8.
6.1 APARs
The following APARs are recommended to fix insert and update failures when using IBM Tivoli Identity
OA14765 – Addresses LDAP deadlocks
OA17432 – Moves DIR_MISC table to MISCTS tables pace
6.2 Cache sizes
The LDAP Server has internal caches to allow quick access to frequently accessed entries in memory
rather than accessing the values from the disk. Better performance can be obtained by increasing the
size of the caches.
The LDAP Server allows you to control how many entries the entry cache can store but does not restrict
the size of the cache. The size of each entry in the cache is based on the number and the size of
attributes that a given LDAP entry has. Typically, many entries are users and their accounts, which have
a fairly constant size. When setting the value for the entry cache, calculate the size of the average entry
and divide that into the amount of memory used by the LDAP Server process. Users with few attributes
can generate entry sizes that are approximately 4 KB where users with more attributes can generate
entry sizes around 9k.
Determining the values
dn_cache_size – Size of the DN cache. Default value: 1000. Recommended value: 75000.
dn_to_eid_cache_size – Size of the DN to EID cache. Default value: 1000. Recommended value:
entry_cache_size – Size of the entry cache. Default value: 1000. Recommended value: 75000.
Note: The recommended values above were determined by assuming 15000 users each with 5 accounts
for a total of 75000 objects. You may need to increase this value for larger populations.
Setting the values
2) Modify the dnCacheSize value to dn_cache_size.
3) Modify the dnToEidCacheSize value to dn_to_eid_cache_size.
4) Modify the entryCacheSize value to entry_cache_size.
5) Restart LDAPSRV
6.3 Max connections
To ensure that IBM Tivoli Identity Manager can connect to the directory server using all available
connections, ensure the maximum number of LDAP connections is greater than the size of the LDAP
connection pool for Tivoli Identity Manager.
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Determining the values
max_connections – The maximum number of connections that the LDAP server will accept. Set
this value to 20 more than the enrole.connectionpool.maxpoolsizespecified in the
Setting the values
2) Modify the maxConnections value to max_connections.
3) Restart LDAPSRV
6.4 Changelog limits
The LDAP Server changelog can be limited either by the number of entries or the maximum age of an
entry. High LDAP add or modify operation rates initiated by Tivoli Identity Manager can result in lock
escalations due to the large volume of entries being added and removed from the changelog. For this
reason, it is recommended that the changelog be limited by the maximum age of an entry
(changeLogMaxAge) instead of the number of entries (changeLogMaxEntries). Both of these values can
6.5 Row locking on SEARCHTS
To improve locking parallelism, particularly on single server installations, it is recommended to change the
locking on SEARCHTS table space in GLDDB and GLDDBG databases to row level. This can be done
with the following DB2 commands:
These commands can be executed from SPUFI interface, option 6 using SYSADM login.
6.6 Indexing
Indexing the attributes that applications search on increases LDAP Server performance. The LDAP
Server indexes are automatically translated into IBM DB2 indexes when you update the LDAP Server
schema for those attributes.
If you extend the LDAP schema in LDAP Server to include additional attributes, index those attributes that
you will search for. Any filter in the Tivoli Identity Manager application (such as with dynamic roles) is
translated into a search string for the LDAP Server.
The Tivoli Identity Manager application frequently searches against the organization (o), organizational
unit (ou), and owner attributes.
After updating the LDAP schema, run DB2 runstatson the database to update the statistics for the newly
created indexes.
In addition, the following DB2 index has shown to increase performance and is required by the LDAP JCL
REORG and RUNSTATS scripts:
6.7 Runstats
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
7 Best practices
The IBM Tivoli Identity Manager product can be set up and configured in many ways. The following are
some suggested best practices to help guide you in setting up your environment.
Each agent modifies the LDAP schema by adding new attributes to support a new service.
These attributes are created without indexes, and for services that service thousand of users, a
large benefit can be achieved by adding indexes to attributes with many members.
Complicated provisioning policies can result in complicated directory and database queries with
poor performance. Policies with small numbers of roles and services will perform best.
Dynamic roles affect people in a given scope, either one-level or subtree. When a person object
within that scope is modified or added, that role must be re-evaluated. This is true for every
dynamic role in the system. For instance, if there are three dynamic roles with subtree scope and
a person object within that scope is updated, all three dynamic roles will be re-evaluated. For this
reason, it is recommended that you limit the number of dynamic roles, either by number or by
scope, that affect people that are modified frequently. It doesn’t matter if the dynamic role ends
up enrolling the person or not, the evaluation itself is the performance-impacting overhead.
Limiting the scope (via placement within the organizational tree) and number of ACIs will increase
performance by requiring fewer evaluations. When doing a person search via the APIs, be sure to
limit the scope of your search to be as narrow as possible to avoid the system evaluating more
ACIs than necessary.
When enabling WebSphere global security, do not enable Java 2 security unless it is required for
your environment. Enabling WebSphere global security automatically enables Java 2 security
unless it is explicitly disabled. Having Java 2 security enabled can cause a significant
performance degradation to IBM Tivoli Identity Manager.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
8 Regular maintenance
To maintain optimal performance for your IBM Tivoli Identity Manager environment, regular maintenance
is required.
Regularly empty the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager recycle bin. As the number of objects in the
recycle bin increase LDAP performance can degrade. The frequency at which the recycle bin is
emptied depends on how frequently deletes occur in the system. Ideally, the recycle bin would
information on how to empty the recycle bin.
Update database statistics after a large number of updates. Updating database statistics in the
underlying databases can significantly improve performance and should be done on a weekly
basis for most environments. This applies to the IBM DB2 database if using LDAP Server as well
as the underlying IBM DB2 of the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager application. See the appropriate
database sections on how to update database statistics.
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IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Performance Tuning Guide
9 Other resources
You will find the following resources useful for further tuning of IBM Tivoli Identity Manager:
IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 4.6 Performance Tuning Guide for distributed:
z/OS Integrated Security Services LDAP Server Administration and Use
DB2 Universal Database for z/OS Version 8 Administration Guide
WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 6.0.2 Tuning Guide
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