Operations Manual
Operational instructions for Humminbird Legend 3000 Series
including the Legend –3000, 3005, 3000 Deep and 3005 Deep
Section 1: USING THE LEGEND 3000 SERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Deep Models Additional Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Powering Up the Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Simulator and Feature Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Knobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
LCD Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Real Time Sonar Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chart Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Control Panels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Automatic Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Bottom Lock Zoom Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Manual Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chart Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sonar View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
RTS Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Surface Clutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
White Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Depth Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Temp Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Fish Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Fish Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Fish ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section 2: MAINTENANCE AND WARRANTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Service Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Legend 3000/3005 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Legend 3000 Deep/3005 Deep Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Powering Up the Unit
Legend Models
After installation, turn the LEGEND 3000 SERIES on by momentarily pressing the
GAIN knob. An audible chirp sounds as the unit turns on. If the unit detects
that the transducer is connected and is in water, the LEGEND 3000 SERIES
begins to show sonar information on the display. If the transducer is not
detected, the unit starts up in SIMULATOR mode.
1000 Series
160 x 160 pixels
8 levels grayscale
2’ to 600’
Dual Beam
2’ to 600’
2000 Series
240 x 240 pixels
16 levels grayscale
To power the unit off at any time, press and hold the GAIN knob for several
seconds until the unit turns off.
1000 Deep
2000 Deep
3000 Deep
1005 Deep
2005 Deep
3005 Deep
Dual Beam
2’ to 2000’
3000 Series
240h x 320v pixels
16 levels grayscale
Simulator and Feature Memory
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES contains a
SIMULATOR that allows you to use the
unit as though you are on the water.
Note: International models include multiple
languages and measurements in metres, feet
or fathoms. Temperature includes ¡C.
The SIMULATOR is an invaluable aid to
learning the features and functions of the LEGEND 3000 SERIES. All controls
are operational and settings can be changed to experiment with various
features. An indicator appears at the bottom left of the display when
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES represents a new way of thinking about fishing operating in SIMULATOR mode.
electronics. It combines state-of-the-art electronics with the detail of a
traditional sonar paper chart recorder to create the fishfinder of the future.
Minimal, easy-to-understand knob controls provide access to the most
important features. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES eliminates confusion created by
too many buttons and menus. High technology, high performance, with “back
to basics” operation makes the LEGEND 3000 SERIES the ideal choice of the
serious angler.
There are two ways to start the SIMULATOR. The method to use depends on
whether a transducer is connected.
Power On with No
If the LEGEND 3000 SERIES is powered
on with no transducer connected, it
starts up in SIMULATOR mode. No other
steps are needed. In this mode, the LEGEND 3000 SERIES does not
remember any setting changes after power off, but defaults to the factory
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES uses sonar to locate and define underwater objects.
Sonar technology is based on sound waves sent into the water in a controlled
“beam” from the transducer. Objects within this beam reflect the sonar signal
back. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES very accurately measures the distance to these
objects based on the time it takes for the sonar to return. Each object (bottom,
fish or structure) reflects the sonar uniquely, providing information about its
makeup. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES draws this returned information on the
Power On with Transducer Connected
If the LEGEND 3000 SERIES is powered on with the transducer connected,
the SIMULATOR must be turned on manually. To turn on the SIMULATOR
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES operates in a wide variety of water conditions, from 2'
to 600' (2000' for the Legend 3000 Deep and 3005 Deep Models).Actual depth
capability depends on many factors such as bottom hardness, water conditions,
and transducer installation. All sonar units typically read to deeper depths in
fresh water than in salt water.
1. Press the Control Panel knob to display the list of
2. Rotate the Control Panel knob to scroll through the list
until Simulator is visible and is highlighted on the
Deep Models Additional Performance
If you purchased a Legend 3000 Deep or a Legend 3005 Deep Model, your
Legend product is equipped with a 50kHz/200kHz dual beam transducer
capable of performing to a depth of 2000 feet. In addition, your unit contains
several extra features that will enhance its sonar performance in deep water.
SONAR VIEW allows you to display the sonar information from either beam or
both beams simultaneously. FILTER control allows the filtering algorithms to be
turned off to show the greatest amount of sonar information. FISH ALARM, FISH
SENSITIVITY, and FISH ID provide advanced signal processing to identify fish
and show their depth and relative size from either beam.
3. Turn the Range knob to turn Simulator from Off to
4. Press the Control Panel knob to clear the screen.
When operating with the Simulator on and the transducer connected,
changes made to the following Control Panel choices are permanently
remembered: Chart Speed, RTS Window, Surface Clutter, Contrast,
White Line, Units, and in International Models, Language.
small increments, while turning it quickly
makes large changes to the adjustment.
The LEGEND 3000 User Interface is made up of the
following components: knobs and the LCD Display,
which in turn is made up of the RTS and the Chart
The LCD Display
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES uses a high-
resolution LCD display to show sonar
information, digital depth, temperature,
speed and other readouts.
Four knobs on the LEGEND 3000 SERIES control all
user settings: MODE, GAIN, CONTROL PANEL and RANGE.
A digital depth readout is always displayed
in the upper left corner of the LCD. When
the speed/temp accessory is connected,
additional digital readouts (such as MPH)
are shown below the depth. A voltage
readout appears in the bottom left when
the input voltage to the LEGEND 3000
SERIES is less than 11 volts or greater than
15 volts.
Mode Knob
The MODE knob selects how the LEGEND 3000 SERIES
locates the bottom and graphs the information on
the display. Turn the knob until the pointer aligns
with the desired mode of operation. See Modes of
Operation for more information.
Gain Knob
The GAIN knob controls the gain
(sometimes called sensitivity) of the
sonar receiver. Gain also powers the
unit on or off. When the LEGEND 3000
SERIES is off, press Gain to turn the
unit on. Press and hold Gain to turn
the unit off. Turn the Gain knob
clockwise to increase the gain; turn
counterclockwise to decrease the
gain. As you turn the knob, only new
sonar information being graphed
shows the effect of the gain change.
A depth range scale appears close to the
right side of the LCD display. This scale
indicates the distance from the surface of
the water to a depth range sufficient to
show the bottom. For example, in 18 feet of water, a 20 foot depth range
is selected. The depth range scale can be controlled automatically or
manually depending on the mode of operation. In AUTOMATIC and Bottom
Lock modes, the LEGEND 3000 SERIES selects the depth range. In MANUAL
mode, the depth range is selected by the user.
The sonar returns received by the LEGEND 3000 SERIES are displayed along
the depth range scale in a REAL
Depth, Temp and
Speed readouts
displays new sonar information
within the transducer cone in an
expanded, easy-to-see format;
the CHART WINDOW logs old RTS
WINDOW information to show a
contour view of the bottom and
Increasing the gain shows faint sonar
returns from small bait fish and
suspended debris in the water, but
the display may become too
Maximum Gain
Low Gain
Medium Gain
cluttered in some water conditions.
Increased gain is also beneficial at deeper depths to maintain a good
bottom image and show adequate sonar returns from deep objects.
Decreasing the gain eliminates the clutter from the display; however, if
adjusted too low, the display may not show many faint sonar returns that
could be fish.
Control Panel Knob
The CONTROL PANEL knob accesses features used to adjust some LEGEND
3000 SERIES settings. Push the knob to display the CONTROL PANEL list, then
rotate the knob to select a feature for adjustment. A light colored
background indicates the selected feature. Turn the RANGE knob to adjust
the selected feature. Remove the CONTROL PANEL list from the display by
pushing the CONTROL PANEL knob again. If no adjustments are made after a
few seconds, the CONTROL PANEL list is removed automatically.
Depth Range
Real TIme Sonar™
Range Knob
The RANGE knob adjusts the depth ranges used on the display. The RANGE
knob has slightly different capabilities in each mode of operation. See
Modes of Operation for specific information. In all modes, turning the knob
clockwise increases the range, while turning it counterclockwise
decreases the range. Turning the knob slowly increases the adjustment in
drifting very slowly, the RTS WINDOW can show the movement of the fish
through the transducer beam. Moving fish appear as smaller groups of lines
that become progressively larger lines, or vice versa. A grouping of lines
moving vertically indicates a fish changing depth.
The sonar returns received by the LEGEND 3000 SERIES are
displayed along the depth range scale in a REAL TIME
displays new sonar information within the transducer
cone in an expanded, easy-to-see format; the CHART
WINDOW logs old RTS WINDOW information to show a contour
view of the bottom and structure.
The Chart Window
The CHART WINDOW creates a historical log of sonar returns from stored RTS
information. As the boat moves, variations in the depth and sonar return changes are
charted to form an image of the bottom contour. The most recent sonar returns are
charted on the right side of the window; as new information is received, the older
information is moved across the display.
Real Time Sonar™ (RTS)
RTS Wide “A” scope mode
Real Time Sonar (RTS)
The CHART WINDOW also indicates the composition of the bottom. A hard bottom,
such as compacted sediment or flat rock, appears as a dark, thin line across the
display. A soft bottom, such as mud or sand, appears as a thicker line that
contains a transition from darker to lighter grays. Bottoms made up of many rocks
have a broken, random appearance.
WINDOW shows instantaneous
sonar returns from the bottom,
structure and fish that are within
the transducer beam. The RTS
WINDOW updates with new sonar
information up to 30 times per
second in shallow water (deeper
water will slow the refresh rates).
The RTS WINDOW responds to
quickly-changing depths in a
way similar to a flasher type
sonar display. Interpreting
the RTS information requires
some skill; comparing the
RTS data with the data in
the CHART WINDOW, however,
makes the RTS information
easy to understand.
Sloped Bottoms
Bottoms having a large degree of slope also present a unique picture. These
generally have a thicker black band representing the bottom directly under the boat.
Equal areas of gray above and below the black band represent sonar returns from
around the boat.
Structure Bottom
Less intense returns Intense returns
Second Sonar Returns
Chart Window
A second sonar return may be
visible if the appropriate depth
range is selected. This appears as a
depth contour below the main
bottom contour, at twice the depth.
The second return occurs when the
sonar signal bounces between the
bottom and the surface of the
water, then back again. Some
anglers use the appearance of the
The width of the RTS WINDOW
can be adjusted to your
preference. Selecting a
wider RTS WINDOW shows
second return to determine bottom
hardness. With a lower gain setting
greater differences between the strength of the sonar returns, although
doing this will reduce the amount of history on the display. See CONTROL
PANELS for details on adjusting the RTS WINDOW.
the second return will be more faint,
except in areas with a hard
bottom.The LEGEND 3000 SERIES has a unique depth range
feature which permits the second return to be visible
in any depth range up to one-half the maximum depth
of the unit. See MODES OF OPERATION for details.
When the RTS WINDOW is wide enough, it plots the depth and intensity
(amplitude) of a sonar return using horizontal black lines, where line length
indicates return strength, and the vertical placement of the lines next to the
depth range scale indicates the depth.
When the RTS WINDOW is narrow enough, it plots the depth and intensity of a
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES displays structure, such as
submerged grass, brush, trees and wrecks on the
bottom. Structure can be distinguished by comparing
the area just above and below the main bottom return.
Usually structure shows as areas of dark to light gray
on top of a dark bottom contour. The appearance of
structure is greatly affected by boat speed and
direction; to repeat the same image it is often
necessary to travel the same speed and direction over
the location where the structure was originally
sonar return using grayscale lines, where the intensity of the sonar return is
divided into 16 levels of grayscale, with the most intense returns shown in
black, and less intense sonar returns shown as progressively lighter shades
of gray. When the view is narrow enough, the combination of the grouping of
the lines and the grayscale level helps to identify the bottom composition and
structure. The bottom displays as the largest grouping of black horizontal
lines, and typically has gray lines underneath. A harder bottom shows less
gray below; a soft bottom shows more gray below. Structure appears above
the bottom as a cluster of lines with varying lengths and gray shades.
In any view, fish appear as smaller groupings of sonar returns between the
bottom and surface. Often, large fish within a structure will show as a strong
return within a grouping of smaller returns. When the boat is stationary or
Note: It
Bait fish
Fish Arch
Partial Fish
important to remember that sonar cannot distinguish between
a fish and some other object suspended in the water.
Regardless of the object the sonar detects, it has the
possibility of being drawn as an arch.
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES is also capable of showing layers
of water having different temperatures. These
temperature differences, called thermoclines, appear
at different depths, depending on current conditions.
A thermocline typically appears as a continuous band
of many gray levels moving across the display at the
same depth. Thermoclines always appear above the
Sonar Views (Deep Models Only)
The dual beam (50/200kHz) sonar information can be
displayed in several different views in the CHART WINDOW. In the
200kHz view, only the sonar returns and FISH ID from the
200kHz beam are displayed. Typically, the 200kHz
Fish Appearance
Schools of bait fish as well as individual fish are clearly
visible on the LEGEND 3000 SERIES display. Bait fish appear
as “clouds” having different shapes and sizes
depending on the number of fish and boat speed.
Individual fish appear as smaller black and gray lines,
often appearing as a “fish arch.” A fish arch may form
as the fish moves through the sonar beam. Due to the
transducer beam angle, the distance to the fish
decreases as the fish moves into the beam, and then
increases as it moves out again. When the CHART
WINDOW graphs this distance change, an arch
appears. Boat speed, the CHART SPEED setting and
movement of the fish greatly affect the shape of the
arch. When the boat and the fish are moving slowly
relative to each other, the fish creates an elongated
arch. When the boat and the fish are moving quickly
relative to each other, the fish creates a shorter arch.
A partial arch forms when the fish does not move
through the entire cone angle.
information provides greater bottom detail up to 800' and
works well while the boat is in motion. The 50kHz view only
shows the sonar returns and FISH ID from the 50kHz beam.
The 50kHz information provides depth accuracy up to 2000'
and shows more targets in its wider beam. The Split Screen
view shows the 50kHz and 200kHz sonar information in
side-by-side windows on the display. The 200kHz/50kHz
view is a composite of the 200kHz sonar information and
the target information from the 50kHz sonar. See CONTROL
PANELS for details on selecting the sonar views.
Fish Arch Diagram
one time. When the selected option is at the bottom of the list,
continue turning the knob to display other options.
Control Panels provide access to important, but
infrequently-adjusted features, such as CHART SPEED, MODE,
SIMULATOR, UNITS, and, in International Models only, LANGUAGE.
Control Panels allow you to set the mode of operation
as well as additional features. Use the MODE to change
the bottom tracking and depth range method of
display, then use the other Control Panels to add
features to your selected mode of operation.
3. Once the desired option is selected, turn the RANGE knob
to adjust. Adjustments are made immediately and are
shown by an indicator on the selected CONTROL PANEL.
4. Remove the CONTROL PANELS by pushing the CONTROL PANEL
knob. Alternately, after a few seconds with no knob
press/turn activity, the CONTROL PANELS are removed from
the display automatically.
The first Control Panel to set
is Mode. Three modes of
operation control the
Note: Only the International Models (3005 and 3005 Deep)
contain a Language choice in the Control Panel, and only
the International Models support
method used by the Legend 3000 Series to track the
bottom, select depth ranges and graph the
information on the LCD display. The Mode is selected
by changing the Control Panel setting to Auto,
Manual, or BTM Lock (Bottom Lock).
multiple units of measure, such as
fathoms and metres.
Note: The Sonar View, Fish
ID, Fish Alarm, Fish
Sensitivity, and Filter
Control Panel
Automatic Mode
AUTOMATIC MODE follows the bottom contour, changing
depth ranges as needed to keep the most recent sonar
returns visible on the display. AUTOMATIC MODE keeps the
acquired bottom visible at all times, showing sonar
returns from the surface to the bottom and just
beyond. This is useful when traveling across the water
in areas where the depth constantly changes, requiring
frequent range changes.
choices only appear on the Deep Model
Control Panels.
CONTROL PANELS are displayed by using
the CONTROL PANEL knob and adjusted
by using the RANGE knob. The active
CONTROL PANEL consists of three parts:
The CONTROL PANEL NAME indicates the
feature, the SETTING INDICATOR shows the
current setting within the complete
range of adjustment, and the
SETTING READOUT shows the status
when CONTROL PANEL is not
Panel Name
To select a CONTROL PANEL feature
for adjustment, follow these
1. Press the CONTROL PANEL knob. A list of
options appears on the display. The option currently
selected for adjustment is indicated by a white
background color.
2. Rotate the CONTROL PANEL knob to select the desired
option for adjustment. Clockwise rotation selects
options higher in the list; counterclockwise rotation
selects options lower in the list.
Note: Not all options in the list can be viewed on the display at
Optimized Display showing
In AUTOMATIC mode, the LEGEND 3000 SERIES selects the depth
range best suited to keep recent sonar returns visible;
however, the depth range can be adjusted to optimize
the display for viewing the second return. The display
can also be optimized for maximum display resolution,
making it possible to distinguish fish very close together
or close to the bottom.
Optimizing the Depth
Range for Second Return
To optimize the depth
range for viewing the
second return, follow these
second return
1. Make sure the LEGEND 3000
SERIES is operating in
Optimizing the Depth Range for Sonar Targets
When the image of the bottom does not appear close
to the bottom of the LCD display, the Legend 3000
2. Push the RANGE knob. An
Series is not fully
appears at the lower right
corner of the CHART WINDOW.
Automatic Mode
optimizing the display to
show sonar targets, such
as fish, that are very close
together. To enhance the
ability of the unit to
separate sonar targets and
to optimize the display for
maximum resolution, follow
these steps:
3. Turn the RANGE knob
Second return
second return is visible
on the display.
4. To return the depth range to normal viewing, rotate
the RANGE knob counterclockwise until the depth
range stops updating.
1. Make sure the Legend
3000 Series is operating
in Automatic Mode.
Note:The second return does not appear at many of the deeper
depth ranges. The appearance of the second return depends
on depth of the water, water conditions, bottom hardness and
the gain setting.
Adjustment Indicator
2. Push the RANGE knob. An
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES operates with this offset depth
range until it is returned to the original settings, or the
unit is turned off, after which the unit defaults to
factory settings.
appears at the lower
right corner of the CHART
3. Turn the RANGE knob
counterclockwise until
the image of bottom is
close to the bottom of
the LCD display but still
shows the area of
Note: As the depth of the water
increases, the LEGEND 3000 SERIES
changes the depth range to
Optimized Display
keep the bottom on-screen. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES uses a depth
range to keep the bottom contour close to the bottom of the
To return the depth range to normal viewing, turn the
unit off and back on again using the GAIN knob. This is
the only way to reset the depth range to normal
Bottom Lock Zoom Mode
BTM LOCK (Bottom Lock)
mode tracks the bottom
The indicators disappear after several seconds with
no adjustment. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES continues to follow
the bottom using the new range. Any change made to
the zoom preview bars is remembered until the LEGEND
3000 SERIES is powered off, when the unit defaults to
factory settings.
similarly to Automatic
mode; however, the
display shows a full
range view on right and
a zoomed window on
the left. The zoomed
window provides added
display resolution for
separating sonar returns
that are very close
together, such as those
caused by fish
Bottom Lock Zoom Mode
Manual Mode
MANUAL mode turns off
automatic bottom tracking,
leaving control of the
depth range to the user. Both the
Manual Mode
upper and lower depth ranges
can be adjusted to show the
bottom, or any other desired
depth, in greater detail. When first
switched to MANUAL mode, the LEGEND
3000 SERIES defaults to the current
automatic depth range; however,
after the manual depth ranges
have been set, the LEGEND 3000 SERIES
uses the new settings until it is
powered off, when it defaults to
factory settings.
suspended close to the
Zoom Preview
As the depth changes,
automatically keeps the
bottom visible in the
zoomed window and the
full range view. In the full
range view, horizontal
zoom preview bars
define the area of
bottom being enlarged.
The default setting
varies based on the
depth range; however,
this setting can be
changed to show more
area around the bottom,
MANUAL mode works best in areas
of relatively flat bottom or if you
are trolling slowly. It is also ideal
for displaying a small area of the
overall depth range in great detail
if you are looking for fish at a
specific depth.
Lower Depth Range
Adjustment Indicator
To adjust the depth ranges
manually, follow these steps:
Adjustment Indicator
or to show the bottom in greater detail.
1. Make sure the Legend 3000
Series is operating in Manual
To change the area of the bottom being zoomed,
follow these steps:
2. Push the Range knob. An
adjustment indicator appears
at the location of the Lower
Depth Range, indicating that it
is ready for adjustment.
1. Make sure the LEGEND 3000 SERIES is operating in BTM LOCK
(Bottom Lock) mode.
2. Push the RANGE knob. An adjustment indicator
appears by the lower zoom preview bar, indicating
this is the selected depth limit for adjustment.
Note: Pushing the Range knob toggles
between the upper and lower depth
range selection. If the Upper Depth
Range is to be adjusted, push the
Range knob until it is highlighted.
Note: Pushing the RANGE knob toggles between the upper and
lower zoom preview bar adjustment. If the lower zoom
preview bar is to be adjusted, push the RANGE knob until it is
Upper Depth Range
Adjustment Indicator
3. Rotate the RANGE knob to adjust the zoom preview bar.
Moving the zoom preview bars closer together increases
the display resolution in the zoomed window; moving
them further apart decreases display resolution, but
allows more area around the bottom to be viewed.
3. Rotate the RANGE knob to adjust the Depth Range.
Clockwise rotation increases the depth;
counterclockwise rotation decreases the depth. The
display updates as the changes are made.
After several seconds without pressing or turning the
knob, the DEPTH RANGE adjustment indicator will disappear
from the screen automatically. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES does
LIGHT activates the display
backlight and selects the
not make adjustments to keep the bottom information on- brightness level. The
screen. If the depth is deeper or shallower than the ranges backlight is manually-controlled except when the unit
on the display, the bottom contour will not be visible.
first powers up. During initial power up, the backlight
turns on at full brightness so the display will be visible
at night. The backlight will then begin to decrease in
intensity automatically until it is off in order to save
energy. Selecting the CONTROL PANEL LIGHT choice stops the
automatic off process, keeping the backlight on at the
intensity level selected.
The manual range settings made to the LEGEND 3000 SERIES
default to factory settings after the unit is turned off.
Chart Speed
CHART SPEED selects the speed
at which the bottom
information moves across the
display. Options available
The Light setting defaults to factory settings after the
Legend 3000 Series is turned off. The factory setting
is ON full at power up and automatic decrease to OFF.
range from 1 (very slow) to 8 (very fast). Selecting a
faster rate shows more information in the CHART WINDOW,
but it moves across the display very quickly. Selecting Contrast
a slower rate keeps the information on the display
longer, but the chart information becomes
compressed and may be more difficult to interpret.
Setting CHART SPEED in relation to boat speed is often
CONTRAST enhances the
viewability of the LCD by
making it darker or lighter.
Selecting a higher number
darkens the display; selecting a lower number lightens
the display. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES uses sophisticated
electronics to adjust the contrast level automatically;
however, at times of extreme heat or cold, manually
adjusting the contrast for best display may be needed.
The CHART SPEED setting is retained in memory after the
LEGEND 3000 SERIES is turned off. The factory setting is 6.
Sonar View
The CONTRAST setting is retained in memory after the unit is turned off as
long as it is set between 6 and 10. The factory setting is 8.
SONAR VIEW (Deep Models only)
selects the source of the
sonar information being
displayed. 200kHz displays
sonar information and FISH ID
from the 200kHz beam only.
50kHz displays sonar
RTS Window
RTS WINDOW selects the width of
the window dedicated to REAL
decreases the width of the RTS WINDOW leaving more
space for the CHART WINDOW, but some sonar returns will
not be visible. Selecting WIDE makes the RTS WINDOW
wider and shows more of the sonar intensity
information, but less space on the LCD is available for
sonar history. Selecting OFF turns off the RTS WINDOW and
the entire LCD shows sonar history.
information and FISH ID from
the 50kHz beam only. SPLIT
SCREEN presents the sonar
information from the 200kHz
and 50kHz beams
simultaneously in side-by-
side windows. 200KHZ/50KHZ
displays the sonar
Split window 50kHz/200kHz,
shown with metric depth, °C
and kph digital readouts
available on international
Note: When the RTS Window is adjusted to Wide, no grayscale
information is shown.
information from the 200kHz
beam and target information
from the 50kHz beam.
The RTS WINDOW setting is retained in memory after the
LEGEND 3000 SERIES is turned off. The factory setting is
The SONAR VIEW setting is retained in memory after the
unit is turned off. The factory setting is 200KHZ.
Surface Clutter
along the bottom contour, structure and fish.
most sonar returns
near the water surface
caused by trapped air, boat wakes and
temperature inversions. Most surface clutter
appears on the display because the strongest
Selecting a larger numeric setting increases the
width of the band and makes fainter sonar
returns more noticeable, but the LEGEND 3000’S
ability to show subtle differences in bottom
composition and structure is reduced. Selecting
a smaller numeric setting narrows the band and
sonar returns come from the shallowest objects. shows greater variation in bottom composition.
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES uses a sophisticated feature
called TVG (Time Variable Gain) to overcome
surface clutter and counteract the effect of
depth on sonar return strength. The level 1
setting is optimal for making sonar information
from all depths appear uniformly. Many users,
however, prefer to see more surface clutter than
this setting shows. Selecting a higher number
shows more surface clutter, but sonar returns
nearest the surface will appear more intense
than they actually are.
Selecting OFF turns the WHITE LINE feature off.
The WHITE LINE setting is retained in memory after
the LEGEND 3000 SERIES is turned off. The factory
setting is OFF.
FILTER (DEEP Models only)
turns the filtering
algorithms on and off.
Select ON to filter excess sonar noise. Select OFF
to show the greatest amount of sonar
The SURFACE CLUTTER setting is retained in memory
after the LEGEND 3000 SERIES is turned off. The factory
setting is 4.
The FILTER setting is retained in memory after the
3000 Deep/3005 Deep is turned off. The factory
setting is ON.
Depth Alarm
DEPTH ALARM activates a
shallow water depth
alarm. The alarm will
50kHz Gain Offset (Deep Models Only)
The GAIN knob applies the same gain
increase/decrease to the 200kHz and
50kHz signal performance. This
menu allows for the gain applied to
sound when the digital
depth becomes equal to or less than the
setting. The tone sounds at a rapid rate for
several seconds and then sounds intermittently
until the boat moves to deeper water. The DEPTH
ALARM can be muted by pressing the CONTROL PANEL
knob; once muted, the alarm will not sound again
until the boat moves to water deeper than the
DEPTH ALARM setting. International models have Depth
Alarm settings in full metres from 1 m to 99m.
the 50kHz beam to be adjusted higher or lower than the GAIN knob
setting to optimize it. An offset value of 5 applies the same gain to the
50kHz signal as the 200kHz gain set by the GAIN knob. Values higher
than 5 apply more gain to the 50kHz, values lower than 5 apply less
The 50kHz GAIN OFFSET setting is retained in memory after the Legend
3000/3005 Deep is turned off. The factory setting is 5.
White Line
WHITE LINE activates and
adjusts a feature which
changes how the LEGEND
3000 SERIES draws the
bottom contour and
structure, and also
shows fainter sonar
returns more clearly.
When a WHITE LINE setting
of 1 to 8 is selected, a
light gray band
Note: Remember that depth is measured from the
transducer, not from the surface of the water.
The DEPTH ALARM setting returns to factory default
after the LEGEND 3000 SERIES is turned off. The factory
setting is OFF.
highlights the strongest
sonar returns within the
sonar image and makes
a distinctive outline
White Line
Temp Alarm
LOWER TEMP is the lower
Temp Alarm activates an alarm
that sounds when the surface
water temperature changes to
temperature boundary for the
temperature alarm. The inside
temp alarm will sound when
fall within or outside selected ranges. These
temperature boundaries help define bodies of water
that are comfortable for and or are feeding zones for
the water temperature was initially below the lower
temp boundary and then rises above it. The outside
temp alarm will sound when the water temperature
fish. Upper and lower temperatures are set depending was initially above the temp boundary and then falls
on the species of fish being sought. Two basic actions below it.
can be selected to trigger an alarm, either entering
inside a temperature range or exiting – moving
outside a temperature range. Both combines Inside
and Outside settings, alarming when crossing a
temperature boundary. The Temp Alarm can be muted
by pressing the Control Panel knob; once muted, the
alarm will not sound again until triggered by a new
boundary crossing.
The LOWER TEMP setting is retained in memory after the
Legend 3000 Series is turned off. The factory setting
is 72° F/ 22° C.
Fish Alarm
FISH ALARM (Deep Models only)
will sound when a fish (or
other target not connected to
the bottom) that meets the selected size criteria is
detected by the sonar. The FISH ALARM has four different
settings, OFF plus the three different fish symbols
shown onscreen (see FISH ID). The 3000 Deep/3005 Deep can
be set to alarm only large fish, (displayed as a large
fish symbol), only large and medium fish (displayed as
one large and one medium fish symbol), or all sizes of
fish (displayed as one large, one medium, and one
small fish symbol).
The TEMP ALARM setting returns to factory default after the
LEGEND 3000 SERIES is turned off. The factory setting is OFF.
Note: You must select a Temp Alarm mode (INSIDE, OUTSIDE, or
BOTH), then set the UPPER TEMP and the LOWER TEMP in order for
this feature to work.
The FISH ALARM setting is retained in memory after the
3000 Deep/3005 Deep is turned off. The factory setting is
Fish Sensitivity
only) adjusts the sensitivity of
the fish detection algorithms
separately from the sonar gain
control knob. Selecting a positive offset makes the
fish detection more sensitive (+5 = greatest
sensitivity). Selecting a negative offset makes the fish
detection less sensitive (-5 = least sensitivity).
UPPER TEMP is the upper
temperature boundary for
the temperature alarm. The
inside temp alarm will sound when the water
temperature was initially above the upper temp
boundary and then falls below it. The outside temp
alarm will sound when the water temperature was
initially below the temp boundary and then rises
above it.
The FISH SENSITIVITY setting is retained in memory after the
3000 Deep/3005 Deep is turned off. The factory setting is 0.
Fish ID
FISH ID (Deep Models only) uses
advanced signal processing to
evaluate further any sonar
return between the surface and the bottom. If the
return meets certain additional criteria, a fish symbol
will be assigned. There are three different fish symbols
to indicate the intensity of the sonar return. While
signal intensity is a good indicator of fish size,
The UPPER TEMP setting is retained in memory after the
LEGEND 3000 SERIES is turned off. The factory setting is 78°
F/ 26° C.
different species of fish have different sonar
nautical miles per hour.
characteristics, so it is not always possible to
distinguish fish size amongst varying species.
Selecting FRESHWATER will adjust the algorithms toward
freshwater species of fish, while selecting SALTWATER will
adjust the algorithms towards saltwater species.
FATHOMS/KPH displays depth in fathoms/speed in
kilometres per hour.
The UNITS settings are retained in memory after the unit is
turned off.
Note: The signal intensity is “normalized” for depth so that a
small fish close to the boat will not appear as a large fish
symbol. The digital depth of the designated fish is also shown
LANGUAGE (International Models
only) selects the language for
text used in the CONTROL PANELS
to help locate the fish vertically. This is especially helpful in and for messages. See the
LEGEND 3005/3005 DEEP Specifications for included
setting bait depths or for downrigger operation.
The FISH ID setting is retained in memory after the 3000
DEEP/3005 DEEP is turned off. The factory setting is Off.
LANGUAGE setting is retained in memory after the LEGEND 3005 /3005 DEEP
is turned off. The factory setting is ENGLISH.
SIMULATOR allows the LEGEND 3000
SERIES to operate in simulated
Your LEGEND 3000 SERIES is designed to provide years of
trouble-free operation with virtually no maintenance.
Follow these simple procedures to ensure your LEGEND
3000 SERIES continues to deliver top performance.
sonar mode. This is useful for
learning the features and functionality of the LEGEND 3000
SERIES when not on the water. Settings to Control
Panels that are retained in normal operation will be
retained in Simulator Mode if a transducer is
connected. When operating with the Simulator on and
without a transducer connected, the Legend 3000
Series does not remember any changes to settings.
If the unit comes into contact with salt spray, simply
wipe the affected surfaces with a cloth dampened in
fresh water. Do not use a chemical glass cleaner on
the lens, as chemicals in the solution may crack the
The Simulator setting defaults to factory settings after the
Legend 3000 Series is turned off.
When cleaning the LCD protective lens, use a
chamois and non-abrasive, mild cleaner. Do not wipe
while dirt or grease is on the lens. Be careful to avoid
scratching the lens.
UNITS selects the units of
measure for boat speed.
Selecting KTS displays the
speed in nautical miles per
If your boat remains in the water for long periods of
time, algae and other marine growth can reduce the
effectiveness of the transducer. Periodically clean the
face of the transducer with liquid detergent. Pivoting
the transducer up in the bracket may allow better
access for inspection or cleaning.
hours; MPH displays the speed in miles per hour. UNITS
selects the units of measure for boat speed and
depth in one of two combinations supported by every
FEET/MPH displays depth in feet and speed in miles
per hour.
Wetting the Transducer
If your boat remains out of the water for a long period
of time, it may take some time to wet the transducer
when returned to the water. Small air bubbles can
cling to the surface of the transducer and interfere
with proper operation. These bubbles dissipate with
time, or you can wipe the face of the transducer with
your fingers after the transducer is in the water.
FEET/KTS DISPLAYS depth in feet and speed in nautical
miles per hour.
UNITS also selects the units of measure for boat speed
and depth in one of four additional combinations
supported by the International Models only:
METRES/KPH displays depth in metres/speed in
kilometres per hour.
Heat Damage
METRES/KTS displays depth in metres/speed in nautical
miles per hour.
Never leave the LEGEND 3000 SERIES in a closed car or
trunk—the extremely high temperatures generated in
hot weather can damage the electronics.
FATHOMS/KTS displays depth in fathoms/speed in
disconnecting the cable from both the unit and the
transducer. Also, make sure that the transducer is fully
submerged in water. If the transducer is connected to
the unit through a switch, temporarily connect it
directly to the unit and try again. If none of these
items identifies an obvious problem, the transducer
itself may be at fault. Be sure to include the
Do not attempt to repair the LEGEND 3000 SERIES yourself.
There are no user-serviceable parts inside, and
special tools and techniques are required for
reassembly to ensure the waterproof integrity of the
housing. Repairs should be performed only by
authorized Techsonic technicians.
transducer if returning the unit for repair.
To override the SIMULATOR manually, select the SIMULATOR
CONTROL PANEL and turn to OFF. See Control Panels for
more information.
Before You Call Customer Support
Many requests for repair received by Techsonic
involve units that do not actually need repair. These
units are returned “no problem found.” If you have a
problem with your LEGEND 3000 SERIES, use the following
troubleshooting guide before calling Customer
Support or sending your unit in for repair. The LEGEND
3000 SERIES contains several tools that can aid in
determining if there is a problem, as well as how to
isolate and repair a problem in many cases.
3. There is no bottom reading visible on the display.
There are several possible causes for this condition. If
the loss of bottom information occurs only at high
boat speeds, the transducer needs to be adjusted. If
the digital depth readout is working but there is no
bottom visible on-screen, it is possible that the depth
range has been adjusted manually to a range lower
than that needed to display the bottom. Also, in very
deep water, it may be necessary to increase the GAIN
setting manually in order to maintain a graphic
depiction of the bottom.
1. Nothing happens when I turn the unit on.
Check the power cable connection at both ends. Be
sure the cable is connected correctly to a reliable
power source—red lead to positive, black lead to
negative or ground. Ensure the power available at the
mount is between 10 and 20 VDC. If the unit is wired
through a fuse panel, ensure the panel is powered;
accessory fuse panels often are controlled by a
separate switch or by the boat’s ignition switch. A
fuse also can appear to be good when in fact it is not.
Check the fuse with a tester or replace it with a fuse
known to be good.
If you are using a transducer switch to connect two
transducers to the LEGEND 3000 SERIES, make sure that the
switch is in the correct position to connect a
transducer, and that the transducer is submerged in
water. (If a trolling motor transducer is selected and
the trolling motor is out of the water, no sonar
information will appear.)
If none of the above solves the problem, inspect the
transducer cable from end to end for breaks, kinks, or
cuts in the outer casing of the cable, and repair after
disconnecting the cable from both the unit and the
transducer. If the transducer is connected to the unit
through a switch, temporarily connect it directly to the
unit and try again. If none of these items identifies an
obvious problem, the transducer itself may be at fault.
Be sure to include the transducer if returning the unit
for repair.
Check the power connection to the LEGEND 3000 SERIES. It
is possible to force the power cable connector into
the collector plug incorrectly. If the connector is
reversed, the unit will not work. Examine the contacts
on the back of the unit to ensure there is no corrosion.
Ensure the cables are properly installed into the
collector plug and the collector plug is properly
seated into the LEGEND 3000 SERIES.
2. The unit starts up in Simulator mode.
4. When in very shallow water, I get gaps in the bottom
reading and inconsistent digital depth indications.
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES will work reliably in water 2' (.6m) or
The LEGEND 3000 SERIES has the ability to detect that a
transducer is connected. If, at power up, a transducer
is not connected, the unit starts up in SIMULATOR mode.
deeper. Remember that the depth is measured from the
Ensure that an appropriate transducer connector is
used and the connector is positioned correctly in the
collector plug. Also, be sure that the collector plug is
fully-seated into the unit. Next, inspect the transducer
cable from end to end for breaks, kinks, or cuts in the
outer casing of the cable, and repair after
transducer, not necessarily from the surface of the water
5. The unit comes on before I press POWER, and won’t turn off.
Check the transducer cable—if the outer jacket of the cable has been cut
and the cable is in contact with bare metal, you need to disconnect the
cable from the unit, then repair the cut with electrical tape. If there is no
problem with the cable, disconnect the transducer from the unit and see if
the problem is corrected, to isolate the source of the problem.
We warrant the original retail purchaser that products made by Techsonic
Industries have been manufactured free from defects in materials and
workmanship. This warranty is effective for one year from the date of
original retail purchase. Techsonic Industries products found to be
defective and covered by this warranty will be replaced or repaired free of
charge at Techsonic Industries' option and returned to the customer
freight prepaid. Techsonic Industries' sole responsibility under this
warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of a product that has been
deemed defective by Techsonic Industries. Techsonic Industries is not
responsible for charges connected with the removal of such product or
reinstallation of replaced or repaired parts.
6. I get gaps in the reading at high speeds.
Your transducer needs to be adjusted. If the transducer is transom-
mounted, there are two adjustments available to you: height and running
angle. Make small adjustments and run the boat at high speeds to
determine the effect. It may take several tries to optimize high speed
operation. This can also be a result of air or turbulence in the transducer
location caused by rivets, ribs, etc.
This warranty does not apply to a product that has been:
7. My unit loses power at high speeds.
Improperly installed;
Your LEGEND 3000 SERIES has over-voltage protection that turns the unit off
when input voltage exceeds 20 VDC. Some outboard motors do not
regulate the power output of the engine’s alternator effectively and can
produce voltage in excess of 20 volts when running at high RPMs. The
LEGEND 3000 SERIES displays input voltage in the lower left corner of the
display when it exceeds 15 VDC. Use this readout to determine if the
voltage exceeds 20 VDC.
Used in an installation other than that recommended in the product
installation and operation instructions;
Damaged or has failed because of an accident or abnormal
Repaired or modified by entities other than Techsonic Industries.
Please retain your original receipt as a proof of the purchase date. This will
be required for in-warranty service.
8. The screen begins to fade out. Images are not as sharp as
Check the input voltage. The LEGEND 3000 SERIES will display the current
voltage on-screen if it is greater than 16 or less than 10 VDC. The voltage
readout will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen.
9. The display shows many black dots at high speeds and high
sensitivity settings.
You are seeing noise or interference caused by one of several sources.
Noise can be caused by other electronic devices. Turn off any nearby
electronics and see if the problem goes away. Noise can also be caused
by the engine. If engine noise is causing the interference, the problem will
intensify at higher RPMs. Increase the engine speed with the boat
stationary to isolate this cause. Propeller cavitation can appear as noise
on-screen. If the transducer is mounted too close to the propeller, the
turbulence generated can interfere with the sonar signal. Ensure that the
transducer is mounted at least 15” (38cm) from the prop.
Some states do not allow limitations on an implied warranty, or the
exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions
may not apply to you. You may also have other rights, which vary from
state to state.
A separate Warranty is provided by international distributors for the
international models. This warranty is included by your local distributor
and this distributor maintains local service for your unit.
10. The screen does not display a full fish arch.
Check the running angle of the transducer. If the running angle is too
great, a full fish arch may not appear. Reduce the running angle of the
transducer. Several incremental adjustments may be necessary.
Returning Your Unit for Service
Techsonic Industries Service Policy
Even though you'll probably never need to take advantage of our Before sending your unit in for repair, please contact the factory, either by
incredible service policy, it's good to know that we back our products this
confidently. We do it because you deserve the best. We will make every
effort to repair your unit within three business days from the receipt of
your unit at our factory. This does not include shipping time to and from
our factory. Units received on Friday are typically shipped by the following
Wednesday, units received Monday are typically shipped by Thursday, etc.
phone or by email, to obtain a Repair Authorization Number for your unit.
Please have your product model name and serial number available before
calling the factory. If you contact the factory by e-mail, please include
your product model name and serial number in the e-mail, and use
Request for Repair Authorization Number for your e-mail subject header.
You should include your Repair Authorization Number in all subsequent
communications about your unit.
All repair work is performed by factory-trained technicians to meet
exacting factory specifications.
For IN-WARRANTY service, complete the following steps:
Factory-serviced units go through the same rigorous testing and quality
control inspections as new production units.
Obtain a Repair Authorization Number from Techsonic Industries
Customer Resource Center.
After the original warranty period, a standard flat rate service charge will
be assessed for each repair (physical damage and missing parts are not
included). Any repairs made after the original warranty will be warranted
for an additional 90 days after service has been performed by our factory
technicians. You can contact our Customer Resource Center or visit our
website to verify the flat rate repair fee for your product (visit the Product
Support section):
Tag product with your customer name, street address, phone
number and your assigned Repair
Authorization Number.
Include a brief written description of the problem.
Include a copy of your receipt (to show proof and date of purchase).
Return product freight prepaid to Techsonic Industries, Inc., using an
insured carrier with delivery confirmation.
We reserve the right to deem any product unserviceable when replacement
parts are no longer available or impossible to obtain. This Service Policy is
valid in the United States only. This applies only to Humminbird products
returned to our factory in Eufaula, Alabama. This Service Policy is subject to
change without notice.
For OUT-OF-WARRANTY service, complete the following steps:
Obtain a Repair Authorization Number from Techsonic Industries
Customer Resource Center.
Included payment in the form of credit card number and expiration
date, money order or personal check. Please do not send cash.
Tag product with your customer name, street address, phone
number and your assigned Repair Authorization Number.
Include a brief written description of the problem.
Return product freight prepaid to Techsonic Industries, Inc., using an
insured carrier with delivery confirmation.
Contacting Humminbird
Contact the Humminbird Customer Resource Center in any of the following ways:
By Telephone
(Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time):
By e-mail
(typically we respond to your e-mail within three business days):
For direct shipping, our address is:
Techsonic Industries, Inc.
Service Department
108 Maple Lane
Eufaula, AL 36027 USA
Operating Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 kHz
Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4000 Watts (Peak to Peak)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Watts (RMS)
Area of Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24° at -3 dB
Power Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 20 VDC
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 level FSTN Grayscale LCD
LCD Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 H x 160 V
Operating Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50/200 kHz
Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4000 Watts (Peak to Peak)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Watts (RMS)
Area of Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20° and 74° at -10 dB
Power Requirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 20 VDC
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 level FSTN Grayscale LCD
LCD Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 H x 160 V
Viewing Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3³⁄₅" H x 3³⁄₅" V
Viewing Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3³⁄₅" H x 3³⁄₅" V
Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .In-dash or Gimbal
Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .In-dash or Gimbal
Unit Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4¹³⁄₁₆" V x 6³⁄₁₆" W x 2³⁄₄" D
Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single beam
Transducer Cable Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20' (6 metres)
Unit Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4¹³⁄₁₆" V x 6³⁄₁₆" W x 2³⁄₄" D
Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual beam
Transducer Cable Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20' (6 metres)
Languages Supported Include: English, Dansk, Deutsch, Español,
Finnish/Svomi, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Norsk, Portuquês, Svenska,
Magvar and Polski.
Additional units of measurement: Metres, Fathoms and °C.
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