radio Shark
2.0 reference manual
taBlE oF ContEnts
tunIng Controls
1. TUNE UP - Pressing the Tune Up button increases the frequency by one step according to the settings
selected in the Tuning section of the Preferences. The frequency will continue to increase until the
Tune Up button is released.
2. FAVORITES - Pressing the Favorites button will present a sheet allowing you to quickly describe the
station you are tuned to, as well as add it to your favorites. Click and hold (alternatively, Ctrl-Click
or right click) to bring up the favorites menu, allowing you to quickly switch between your favorite
stations. The Favorites menu is also available under the Stations menu as well as from the Dock menu.
3. TUNE DOWN - Pressing the Tune Down button decreases the frequency by one step according to
the settings in the Tuning section of the Preferences. The frequency will continue to decrease until the
Tune Down button is released.
Shortcut key - ↓
4. AM/FM - Toggle between the AM and FM bands.
5. TUNING SLIDER - can be used to rapidly position the tuner for the desired frequency.
- With the radio Shark window active, simply type the frequency of the desired station followed by the
return key to directly tune that station. For example, to tune 104.5, type 104(period)5 followed by the
return key. To cancel direct tuning, press the escape key before pressing the return key.
- Scroll wheel mouse users can use the scroll wheel to tune the radio Shark
- Use the Tab key to seek to a higher station
- Use the Tab key while holding Shift key to seek to a lower station
- Salling Clicker users can use the included control to tune from Bluetooth enabled cell phone. See for more information.
plaYBaCK Controls
1. VOLUME SLIDER- Increase or decrease the radio Shark’s volume. Scroll wheel mice users can also
use the scroll wheel while holding the Shift key to adjust the volume.
Shortcut keys: + (command/plus keys = volume up)
- (command/minus keys = volume down)
2. MUTE - Toggles radio Shark muting. The absence of “sound waves” next to the speaker symbol
indicates that the audio is muted.
3. RECORD - Initiates a new non-scheduled recording. You will be prompted for a name 7
and location to save this recording. The symbol on the Record button will turn bright red to
indicate recording is in progress. Shortcut keys: + S
4. SKIP BACK - Moves the timeshift playback position backwards by a fixed amount of
time or to the beginning of the source. These settings can be configured in the Recording
& Playback section of the radio Shark Preferences. Shortcut key: HOME
5. REWIND - Press the Rewind button to reverse playback speed. Each press increases the
reverse speed. While rewinding the symbol on the Rewind button will turn blue. Shortcut
key: ←
6. PLAY - Press to play or pause the audio (recording will still continue while playback
is paused). Pressing the Play button while rewinding or fast-forwarding will cancel those
functions and resume normal playback. When playback is active the symbol on the Play
button will turn green. Shortcut key: Spacebar
7. FAST FORWARD - Press the Fast Forward button to increase playback speed. Each press
increases the playback speed. While fast-forwarding, the symbol on the Fast Forward
button will turn blue. Shortcut key: →
8. SKIP AHEAD - This moves the timeshift playback position forward by a fixed amount of
time or to the end of the source. These settings can be configured in the Recording &
Playback section of the radio Shark Preferences. Shortcut key: End
9. LIVE - Press to listen to live radio at any time.
Shortcut key: L
status IndICators
1. STATUS ICON - The station icon can be used to indicate the type of station that is currently tuned.
To change the station icon Ctrl-Click (or right mouse click) the icon and select from the available
icon pop-up list. The station icon can also be changed from the Station Info window, which is found by
selecting “Edit Info...” from the Station item on the main menu bar.
If a URL has been set for that station, then clicking once on the station icon will open that page in your
web browser.
This status icon will appear when the radio Shark is listening to a recording.
A flashing USB icon will appear if the radio Shark hardware is not detected.
2. SPECTRUM/FREQUENCY - Toggles between the spectrum display and the large frequency readout 9
3. PLAYBACK INDICATOR - Shows the playback status of the source currently playing. The status will
display LIVE to indicate that live radio is playing, or a timecode of the recorded source.
The playback indicator will also show you the location of the program-in-progress. It can be
used to quickly move back or forward in the recording or timeshift.
4. SCHEDULE - Opens the Scheduling window. See page 12 for more information.
5. EQ - This button opens the Equalizer window. See page 22 for more information.
6. STATION DESCRIPTION - When listening to the radio, the station description is displayed here.
Station descriptions can be edited by selecting “Station” from the main menu bar, then “Edit Info...” from
the list, or by double-clicking on the Station Description. When listening to a previously recorded
track, the title of the track will be displayed here. Shortcut key - + i
7. CONNECTION/RECORDING - The “fin” changes colors to indicate connection and recording status.
The states are: Gray - not connected. Blue - connected. Red - connected and recording.
FAVORITE - Indicates whether this station will appear in your list of favorite stations.
DESCRIPTION - A textual description of the station in question.
URL - The home page for this station.
PHONE - This station’s phone number.
GENRE - The type of content played by this station.
ICON - An icon representing the type of content for this station.
PRESET KEY - Assigning a Preset Key to a Station allows you to quickly tune to that station by pressing
key and the preset key number. The station must be a favorite in order to be assigned a Preset Key. 9
presets can be made from favorites. They can be selected by using the keystrokes illustrated below.
Shortcut keystrokes:
Preset 1 = + 1
Preset 2 = + 2
Preset 3 = + 3
(you see a pattern here, right?)
NEW EVENTS - To add a new scheduled recording, click the New Event button. A new item will be
added to the table titled “New Event” with a recording time set 10 minutes in the future. The title, date,
time, etc. can all be configured individually by double-clicking on the info field to be changed.
A note About the StAtion field: the Station field uses a pop-up box control to choose from
a list of favorite or you may type in any station by double-clicking on the field. by default, the
radio Shark will set the recording station to the one currently playing from the main interface.
REPEATING EVENTS - Most of the time you’ll want to schedule your recordings to
repeat at a specific interval. To do this, select a repeat rate from the event’s Repeat
popup menu. The choices are Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, or Custom. The
Custom repeating rate offers the most flexibility to record events that don’t fall into
the normal categories. Keep reading for more “custom” repeating schedules.
You also have the ability with repeating events to designate an end point if desired. To
do so, select either “Count...” or “On Date...” to discontinue a scheduled recording
after a set number of recording or on a specified date, respectively.
EVENT FILTERING - The Scheduled tab defaults to displaying the scheduled recordings
for next month, but can be configured to show recordings scheduled for any time period.
To do this, change the dates in the “Filter items before:” and “and after:” date fields to
constrain the view to just those scheduled events that you are interested in viewing.
Click this button next to each field to pick the desired dates from a mini calendar view.
sCHEdulIng EXamplEs
CUSTOM EVENTS - Selecting “Custom” from the repeating list allows for more in-depth functionality.
An example of a few custom repeat settings are illustrated for you.
An event that records every week on
weekdays only.
An event that records every Saturday and Sunday
An event that records every month on the second
monday of the month.
An event that records every four years on the
1st Tuesday in November.
Just to make sure you get your election day
sCHEdulE wIndow - rECordEd taB
RECORDED - Tab presents a list of all the recordings created by radio SHARK, and the details for
each. You may delete recordings from this list by selecting an entry and pressing the delete key, or by
selecting Delete from the Edit menu. Playback of a recorded item is initiated by double-clicking on the
green/red dot next to the name.
Indicates the item has been recorded
Indicates recorded item is being played
Indicates item is currently being recorded
Indicates currently recorded item is playing
This is a wonderful time for you to write down any thoughts or comments.
They don’t even have to pertain to the radio Shark.
Think of it as a gift of personal reflection time given to you by your friends
at Griffin Technology.
BOOKMARKABLE - Files recorded with radio Shark can be made to retain their position between
playback sessions when used in either your iPod or within iTunes. Enable the bookmark option by
clicking the checkbox. note: only AAC files are bookmarkable.
TIMESHIFT - This sets the maximum amount of time the Buffer will record before starting over. Radio
SHARK employs a circular buffer. If you set Buffer Length to 30 minutes,the Buffer records for 30
minutes, loops back to the beginning and continues recording.
CONTROLS - These allow the transport control buttons to jump using specific time intervals, or by
default, to the beginning and end of the Timeshifted recording. The transport controls from the main
interface are show below.
ITUNES - This is a quick and easy way to add files recorded with the radio Shark right into Apple’s iTunes
program. Also, a space is provided for you to specify in which playlist the recordings are placed.
prEFErEnCEs - appEaranCE / updatEs
APPEARANCE - This preference allows you to set the light on the Radio Shark to On/Off/Pulse.
note: When recording, the Radio Shark light turns red and is unaffected by this setting.
DISPLAY COLOR - allows you to choose the color of the Radio Shark application interface. By default
it is set to the green as seen in the picture above.
UPDATES - The Radio Shark application will automatically check the Griffin Technology website for
updates if this box is checked.
EQualIZEr ‘EQ’
EQUALIZER - Allows you to easily set the tonal quality of the radio broadcast.
To use the EQ, select one of the many presets provided. Then, click the “ON” button to enable that
You can also make your own presets by moving the frequency sliders to a desired sound, choose
“Make Preset” from the list, then type your EQ setting name.
Here are some handy keystrokes for navigating quickly through the radio Shark interface.
FIlE managEmEnt
radio Shark will keep a directory of recorded files in your home directory in the Music folder. That
folder will be labeled “radio Shark”.
If Radio Shark recordings are set to be added automatically to iTunes, they are usually copied to the
iTunes/iTunes Music folder AND also reside in Radio Shark folder. That means there will be two copies
of the same recording.
Once iTunes has copied the files, If hard drive space becomes limited, those files in the Music/Radio
Shark folder can be deleted and the files then managed within iTunes.
last-mInutE notEs
There have been a few important additions to the Radio Shark 2.0 software.
Radio Shark Widget -
For users of Mac OSX 10.4 (Tiger), we now have a Radio Shark widget that can be used in the Dashboard
environment. From the widget you can choose from presets made in the 2.0 software, or tune radio
Shark to any AM/FM station.
Applescript Support -
Radio Shark 2.0 now supports Applescript. Information about the available commands can be found in
the radio Shark dictionary available through Script Editor.
© CopYrIgHt 2005, grIFFIn tECHnologY
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